GENERAL EDUCATION BOARD Founpzp BY JoHN D. ROCKEFELLER 1902 CINCORPORATED 1903) 49 WEST 49th STREET, NEW YORK TREVOR ARNETT, PRESIDENT W. W. RRIERLEY, SECRETARY May 19, 1955 My dear Dr. Tatum: I have the honor to inform you that the General Education Board has awarded you a fellowship for study principally at the University of Utrecht with Dr. F. Kogl on the technique of isolation and identification of growth stimulants for microorganisms. This fellowship provides for a stipend and family allowance at the basic rates of One hundred twenty dollars ($120) and Eighty dollars ($30) a month, respectively, payable in local foreign currercy, for a period of not more than twelve months beginning approximately September I, 1936. The fellowship also provides for travel for yourself only from Madison, Wisconsin, to Utrecht, Holland, and return, and for laboratory fees. Payments will be made to you monthly in advance by the office of The Rockefeller Foundation, 20 rue de La Baume, Paris, France, in accordance with our schedule for fellows studying in Europe. The sum provided for stipend will be paid for the actual period of study exclusive of time devoted to travel. If your family remains in this country, payments of family allowance will be made dirsct- ly by this office in U.S. dollars to the name and address of the person you indicate. Please let Mr. Floyd Lyle of our New York office know as far in advance as yossible the approximate date on which you wish to sail. He will arrange for your steamship reservation and will see that the necessary travel funds are ad- yacriced promptly. Immediately upon your arrival in Europe, please communicate with Mr. George W. Bakeman of the Paris office. Advice has been received from Dr. Meyer that you have satisfactorily passed a medical examination. The award announced to you in this letter is conditional upon your being inoculated against typhoid and paratyphoid. You should call upon Dr. Meyer to whom we are sending an immunization blank for this purpose. The cost of this service will be met by the Board. In accepting this fellowship, please sign and return for our records the endorsement on the copy of this letter which is enclosed herewith. Very truly yours 2 J Por Fellows booklat enclosed. Dr. Edward L. Tatum / rt : geocacs . / University of Wisconsin if Sollezs of agriculture Madison, Wisconsin L ~ 3 . of Information and Regulations je jf AEOsRM