Dear Dr. Tatums I have the pleasure of handing you herewith the Secretary's letter announcing your appointment to a General Education Board fellowship. I wish to congratulate you upon the outcome of your application and to express the hope that you will have a most happy and profitable experience. You will note that this award is for a twelve months! period, although your request was for ten months. It is the expectation of the officers that if you are able to carry out your plans and complete your work within the ten months' period you will do so without availaing yourself of the additional period provided. If, however, toward the end of the ten months! period it becomes apparent that you have not com pleted your work and if the summer closing of the laboratory and absence of the professor do not prevent you from working effectively, you would be at liberty to continue for the additional two months or such part thereof as may be necessary. In either event I shall wish to have a letter from you after about nine months, telling me whether you plan to terminate your work at the end of the ten months’ period or at a later date. Sincerely yours, dao ft Bia Manor Frank Blair Hanson. Dr. Edward L. Tatum University of Wisconsin Department of Agric, Bacteriology Madison, Wisconsin FBH 2d: Rnelosure,