THE ROCKEFELLER INSTITUTE A Graduate University and Research Center NEW YORK. N.Y. 10021 June 8, 1965. Memo: to 1965 - Electors of the Hall of Fame for Great Americans. From: E. L. Tatum (Ph.D., Wisconsin) I am enclosing herewith a copy of the statement in support of Dr. Welch which was signed by a number of Nobel Laureates and submitted to the Electors in 1960, probably after many had already voted. Before the enclosed statement had been prepared, Several other Nobel Laureates in New York City had al- ready endorsed Dr. Welch's candidacy in 1960. These included: A. Cournand, V. DuVigneaud, H. Gasser, F. Lipmann, 0. Loewy, S. Ochoa, and D. W. Richards. This material is being sent you in the hope that you will act favorably on Dr. Welch's candidacy at this time.