For release at 10 a.n. Monday, June 8, 1964 TEXT OF HONORARY DEGREE PRESENTATION UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON, COMMENCEMENT Citation by the Chairman: | Born at Boulder, Colorado in 1909, Edward Lawrie Tatum, the son of the late Arthur L. Tatum, professor of pharmacology in this University, received the B.A. in 1931, the M.S. in 1932, and the Ph.D. in 1934, all from the University of Wisconsin, After a fellowship year at the University of Utrecht, Holland, he went to Stanford University as a research associate in biology from 1937 to 1941, and an assistant professor from 1942 to 1945. He was an associate professor of botany at Yale from 1945 to 1946, when he became professor of microbiology. In 1948 he returned to Stanford as professor of biology, and in 1956, he became professor of biochemistry and head of that department. In 1957 he joined the Rockefeller Institute, where he continues his work on the nutrition, biochemistry, and genetics o£ microorganisms. In 1958 he received the Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology, with his Student, Joshua Lederberg, and his former Stanford colleague, George Beadle. The publications resulting from the studies of these three scientists are recognized classics and have served as a foundation for the tremendous amount of work that has since been done in these fields. Mr. President, on the recommendation of the faculty and by vote of the regents, I present to you Edward Lawrie Tatum to receive the honorary degree Doctor of Science. Conferring of the degree by the President: Edward Lawrie Tatum, because of your distinguished and original contributions as a thinker and a research worker in the Fields of microbiology, biochemistry, and genetics, I am happy to confer upon you the honorary degree of Doctor of Science. ee