December 2, 1976 Dr. John Knowles President Rockefeller Foundation 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10009 Dear Dr. Knowles, This is to ask your help for a task that I am now in: to write a biographical memoir of Edward L. Tatum, who died just a year ago. It would be particularly helpful to get documentary material on the early development of his ideas and career in biochemical genetics. Apart from his published papers, this has been very hard to find! I note, however, that he was a fellow of the General Education Board: 1936-37. So, I just wondered whether you imew or knew where to find out what had happened to the records of the GEB after it wound up in 1964. It would be just marvelous if one could retrieve Ed's letter of application to the Board and if there was one, the report of his visit to Utrecht. In addition, if this could also be found and made available, the background letters of reference about him (fouryyears ago) might be most 1lluminating. I would not trouble you if I knew who was responsible for archives at the Foundation and who in turn might be expected to know something of the fate of the GEB records. I realize this is a long-shot, but I hope some answer might be available without too much difficulty. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr