!! spellx done 179 Test for Safe Products The Washington Post November 22, 1969 In recommending the strict regulation and gradual phasing-out of DDT, Health Education and Welfare Secretary Robert H. Finch has made a difficult, but I believe correct, choice among several options. Our environment is already heavily contaminated with DDT. Human exposure to it will scarely be affected by a restricted level of continued use, for a few years. Meanwhile, we should seek formulas for rational decisions about, say, health-related applications, whose benefit might outweigh the measured risks. We should not neglect standards for foodstuffs to eliminate those which are so heavily contaminated that they add an unreasonable extra burden to their consumers. We might also ponder whether to look for those people who have the heaviest DDT loads and investigate the benefits and risks of medically supervised treatments to wash out the pesticide residues that now average more than 10 parts per million in human fat tissue. These measures my be more drastic than existing evidence of harmful effects of DDT to man would justify. It would be preposterous to await this level of proof before controlling the use of the pesticide. The DDT and cyclamate episodes should move us to hard thinking about preventing similar ones before they have gone so far. In scheduling our priorities, we probably should concentrate on pollutants that are the most widely spread, emanate from a limited number of sources, and tend to accumulate chronically within the body. These criteria are almost a definition of the lead from auto exhausts -- the mere fact that the lead is accumulating in human bones is enough reason to ban the use of lead additives in gasoline before we discover the full magnitude of its impact on human health. We also need new approaches to the testing of environmental additives, be they related to drugs, food, pest control or fuel. Existing procedures lay the full responsibility (if any) on the industrial sponsor of a product. A government bureau then has the unpleasant task of policing the "proofs" of safety, which must be done in a framework of rigid bureaucratic regulations. The evidence is also rarely accessible to general scientific criticism. The system is then heavily burdened by pressures of self-interest, and suspicions thereof, which repel creative investigators. Only after a product has been certified and marketed is it likely to receive aggressive, independent criticism. This is unfair, even to the manufacturer who has committed his reputation to a product before it can be properly tested, not to mention the public interest. Senator Gaylord Nelson has proposed a big step in the right direction in his bill for a national drug testing center, an idea that could readily be extended to other additives. This would be supervi- sed by the Food and Drug Administration, but test operations could be subcontracted to other institutions. The cost would be paid by the sponsors of the drugs. This approach should allow much greater flexibility on the part of an independent testing center for deciding which tests are most appropriate and necessary. This bill could be improved by incorporating incentive features, for example, a standard fee related to population exposure rather than the cost of testing. And the sponsor should get a rebate if his pro- duct was found harmless; pay a penalty if the testing center discove- red a hazard before the sponsor did. We could then exploit some of the inherent advantages of free competition, which are a drag on the present system. The cost of adequate testing is inevitably a burden on innovation and when it pushes a sponsor into prematurely marketing a product, it may do public harm. We ought to think of tax incentives and subsidies to the testing center as positive remedies and penalties for carlessness as negative ones. Finally, we ought not give the purveyors of products "generally accepted as safe" an unfair advantage when these have not been fully tested either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------