8 SCIENCE F¢ Wp) vo PERSONALITIES IN MODERN SCIENCE — EDWARD LAWRIE TATUM Edward Tatum’s paternal great grand- father Lawrie Tatum was a Quaker who settled in the lowa Territory. Besides being a community leader, he served as an Indian Agent just after the Civil War, and wrote a book on the Indians, Qur Red Brothers. Edward’s maternal grandfather was Ed- ward David Webb, also a pillar of society, and once Mayor of Boulder, Colorado. It was in that city that Lawrie’s grandson Arthur met Webb’s daughter Mabel. Arthur was studying at the University of Colorado at the time. The couple married in Boulder, and the first of their three children was Edward (1909). His father worked at and taught physi- ology at the universities of Wisconsin, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, and Chicago. Grow- ing up in this atmosphere, Edward turned easily to science. “As far as careers go,” he says now, “I really was never interested in anything else.” In THE Becinninc He began schooling in the University of Chicago experimental grade and high schools and then did two years of college there. When his father moved on to Wis- consin as Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology, Edward followed and com- pleted his college work there. He had first been interested in geology, but got his bachelor’s in chemistry (1930), Tatum’s parental family had their own small orchestra, with Edward on the alto horn, then trumpet, then french horn. He used to play trumpet with the Wisconsin football and concert bands, and still retains vivid memories of standing in the stadium in downpours or snowstorms, “blowing that damned horn.” When the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation began to operate (with funds gained from sales of its vitamin-D milk- fortification patents), it supported Edward Tatum’s first research work. He won his master’s in 1931, his doctorate (in bio- chemistry) in 1934, There followed a year with W.A.R.F., and then the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in organic chemistry to study at Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tatum had by this time been well launched into the exploration of nutritional requirements of microorganisms. At Wis- consin, he had shared in the first identifi- cation of the need of propionic-acid bacteria for the then recently discovered thiamine. At Utrecht, he advanced these studies and learned much about techniques from his ‘contatuinated ihe sterile experiments. Hav- chief, Fritz Kigl, the discoverer of biotin. Then a former botanist-become-Droso- phila-man, George Beadle, who was heading for Stanford from Harvard, invited Tatum to join him in his studies of eye pigmen- tation mechanisms in the flies. Tatum was signed up by cable. When he and Beadle began working at Stanford in 1937, neither kn¥w much about microbial genetics—the subject that was to earn both of them the Nobel Prize—although Beadle had special- ized in corn genetics and been working for sometime with Drosophila. “For myself,” Tatum relates, “I honestly knew little about the subject; I’d hardly considered it in my previous work.” Many of their inquiries were conducted with the flies in a sterile environment. Examination of some anomalous results showed that a spore-forming bacterium had ing already shown that lryptophan alone had no effect on the color of flies’ eyes, Beadle and Tatum were then able to verify that the effect did occur when the bacilli were present, Next, they studied the effect of injecting individual biosynthetic products of the bacillus and finally identified the amino acid kynurenine as the material re- sponsible for inducing brown eye color in Drosophila. Subsequent study of uninfected flies showed that, indeed, the occurrence of brown eyes results from genetic determina- tion of biochemical competence for kynure- nine production, capable of fulfillment in the presence of adequate supplies of that substance’s precursors, especially trypto- phan. The hormone that Beadle and B. Ephrussi had previously supposed respon- IRTNIGHTLY October 28, 1964 MARINE SNOW conus trom pace 1 granules on which zooplankton can feed. The Woods Hole investigators, using sea water that had passed through fine filters to remove any particulate matter, forced air through the liquid. This produced a cloud of fine bubbles and a layer of foam on the surface. In the process, dissolved organic matter in the filtered sea water sible for brown eye color in the flies was, of course, kynurenine. Beadle and Tatum turned to the study of microorganisms, in which biosynthetic mechanisms were easier to observe and manipulate, and began looking for a suit- able subject. The tip came from V. 0. Dodge, then at the Botanical Gardens in New York. He had made clear that the fungus Neurospora crassa had a classical genetic constitution, convenient and unique reproductive mechanisms, and, otherwise, that it was “a nice organisin.” Rewarp The work that followed—and that of Lederberg on genetic recombination and Zinder’s on transduction—received its No- bel Prize recognition in 1958. Tatum went to Yale in 1945, as associate and then full professor of botany. In 1947, he became Professor of Microbiology, but left in ’48 to return to Stanford. He joined The Rocke- feller Institute in 1957. Tatum was married in 1934 and divorced in 1956. His daughter Margaret is now mar- ried and the mother of two sons; his other daughter Barbara is a graduate student in education, studying the teaching of the blind. In 1957, Tatum married Viola Kan- tor. They live in New York, just a few blocks from his lab at The Rockefeller. While they don’t take formal vacations, they usually manage to tack on a few days of holiday to each of his business trips. “In recent years, Tatum: has become more an appreciator than a performer of music— short spare time is the cause. He’s become interested in swimming and, even more, skiing. For a brief period he was hooked on what he calls “screwball” cars—not antiques, but odd beasts like the Citroén 2CV. The Tatums have the odd distinction of having been among those skiing at Zermatt during the typhoid epidemic two years ago. “We never heard a word about the epidemic until we got back to the States—that’s how well the Swiss kept their secret. Anyway,” Tatum says, “we didn’t get typhoid.” Maybe Salmonella typhosa owes a'debt to the se- cretive Swiss; if Tatum had laid hold of that bacterium, who knows what its genetic makeup might now be. # was adsorbed on the skins of the bubbles, forming visible particles. These non-living organic aggregates, which Dr. Baylor described to Science Fortnightly as consisting of phosphates, nitrates, proteins, polypeptides, and prob- ably carbohydrates, were then fed to brine shrimp and copepods. The tiny marine animals fed on aggregates grew normally, while controls died within five to eight days. While the laboratory experiments were being run, Dr. Riley—in close communica- tion with Drs. Baylor and Sutcliffe—found that bubbles were producing these organic aggregates in the open seas, especially dur- ing mid-winter storms, which increased bub- bling. He also observed that the total quantity of these aggregates grew as the phytoplank- ton of any specific area increased. This, he explained, happens because phytoplankton themselves secrete much of the organic matter dissolved in the sea. The balance of the organic materials comes from decay and the secretions of zooplankton. The organic matter aggregated by bub- bles is the “marine snow” often observed but never understood by underwater in- vestigators, Dr. Riley believes. On the basis of present findings, Dr. Riley has produced a “community” theory of evolution, based on the concept that “in- dividual species adapt toward the form most suitable for long-term survival of the community as a whole, even though the adaptation may sometimes seem to be de- trimental to the individual species on a short-term “basis.” IMPLICATIONS The secretion by phytoplankton of amino acids and other organic compounds that could be used for their own development would seem to be a distinct disadvantage. Dr. Riley’s new theory of community evo- lution, however, proposes that “since the inaierial secreted can be converted gradu- ally to particulate food, the process insures a more stable food supply for the animals. The latter, in turn, have a distinct pattern of daily vertical migration that insures uti- lization of all available food, although they could feed more abundantly if they could pause at any level where plants are par- ticularly abundant.” Both of these actions, according to Dr. Riley, help sustain a reservoir of organic matter that better assures the long-term survival of the plant-animal community. The discoveries of Drs. Riley, Sutcliffe, and Baylor led Dr. P. J. Wangersky, a marine biologist at Yale University, to sug- gest that this mechanism of adsorption by bubbling may have been a key step in the evolution of life from nonliving materials. #