peeve 3, NM 23 (1O70j Edward Lawrie Tatum 1909 - 1975 Samson R. Gross Edward L. Tatum died on November 5, 1975, ofter a long ond painful illness which he had borne with fortitude for several years. To those of us who knew him well, Ed Tatum's death is an irreplaceable loss. His main scientific contributions, as all of you know, formed the basis for modern molecular genetics. He was justly honored at the highest levels for his roles in estab- lishing gene-enzyme relationships in Neurospora and discovering recombination in E.coli. However, his quiet personality and his determination to remain a bench scientist kept him out of the limelight and in the laboratory. It is unfortunate that the younger generation of Neurosporologists thus never had the opportunity to know this man who laid the foundations upon which we are all building. Ed's involvement of the frontiers of the new biology in the 1940's and 1950's was consistent with the scientific attitude that characterized his career, which was to concern himself only with those fundamental biological problems requiring some key ob- servation or new methodology for eventual solution. Once having opened up the broad areas of biochemical genetics and bac- terial genetics, he moved on to other problems -- leaving the fields he had opened for exploitation by others. For about a decode prior to his death, he devoted much of his time to the use of genetic technology in the study of morphogenesis. this work almost to the day of his death. Ed's virtues went for beyond the laboratory. He was a kind person == almost to a fault -- and remained calm ond unflappable even under severe provocation. He assumed considerable administrative responsibility under very difficult circumstances, but chose to work hard and quietly in the background for the good of biologists as a whole, for which efforts he sometimes received scant thanks. In keeping with his retiring attitude, Ed never attended the Neurospora Information Conferences andso most of you have never enjoyed the benefits of his lucid exposition and his clear insights into experimental strategy. He certainly felt that the virtues of Neurospora os an experimental organism had not been fully realized and would have encouraged us all to continue working as hard and as imaginatively as we could, He was active in