Duke Muiversity Medical Center DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA 27710 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY March 21, 1977 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Josh: I have to apologize for taking so long to respond to your request for a copy of the obituary I wrote. When I spoke to you, I forgot that Barbara Bachmann had the only copy. It is of no interest as to why I didn't have a copy, but I had to call Barbara and she in turn had to contact George Marzluf who had taken over the editorship of the Neurospora Newsletter and has all the records. In any case, my version was finally retrieved and is enclosed. In re-reading Ed's obituary I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually answered most of the questions that you asked over the telephone, The statements are rather succinct but I think that you will be able to read between the lines. The villain of the Cold Spring Harbor piece was John Cairns. Norton Zinder and Roland Hotchkiss know all about it. If I can be of help in any other way, just call, the number is 919-684-6556. A paper of mine will appear in the next issue of PNAS with a brief dedication to Ed. Yours_ truly, SRG/dh Enclosure