February 14, 1977 Mrs. Arthur L. Tatum (78 SumuwD kyo Madison, Wisconsin Dear Mrs. Tatun, During the past few months I have been engaged in paying my debt to your stepson Edward by writing a memoir to be published in the National Academy of Sciences series, and by attempting to gather an archives of significant letters, papers and other similar material. I I had many times discussed with Ed the importance of collecting historical documents, but he was far too modest to take that seriously enough and he saved practically non of his own correspondence. I am particularly eager to try to collect more material concerning his earier upbringing and education, and even more in the thinking that led to his momentous work with Beadle in 1941. I do not know if you are ina position to have documentary momentos from Fd through that period, but if you do, I want to assure you that I would give them the respect and care that they deserve and ensure that they are deposited in an archives where Ed's historical contributions will also in future be able to receive the attention they deserve. Whiae I have emphasized these earlier materials, needless to say, almost any records bearing on Ed's life would be invaluable for biographical analysis. I have already contacted most of Ed's scientific friends and cdélleagues and have been able to have a good talk with June, and these sources have already been invaluable. I would be quite content to receive or to prepare xerox copies of eny material which you might wish to retain as personal momento. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL/rr yy ee pi) pte ne a wen - Tn a