Cedar Mountain, NC 28718 03 Janaary, 1977 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford CA 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: First of all, I have to correct the date of the party at which George beadle announced the isolation 6f the eye color hormone. It was actually 18 February. I got somewhat mixed up in the dates, My son was born on the 16 of Februarg, and the party was two days later. I attended the party without my wife, of course. Thef course, that Ed started was given for the first time in the spring of 1941. I know that, because it was the last year that I was to be at Stanford, and I had already gotten some training from Kees van Niel in teaching comparative biochemistry, as Ed had. But, Ed déd never mention in the course the story of Neurospora, That was supposedly a closely guarded secret by Beadle, It strck me very forcefully at that time, because it was so reminegcent of the atmosphere in Kégl's institute, of absolute secrecy. We were told by K§gl that we gould not talk about our research with anybody else, and I was kind of suppr¢@sed to find the same attitude with Beadle, Laboratory werk with Neurespora started in the Spring of 1941, Let me be a little bit more accurate, it started in February 1941, It was then, that Beadle came to my quarters to use the X ray machine, and did not want to tell me what he was doing. AD jan (20 ty bad vy fam a i