UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL Department of Biochemistry AND LIFE SCIENCES 420 Henry Mall Madison, Wisconsin 53706 USA Telephone: 608/262-3026/262-3040 December 22, 1976 Prof. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, CA 94305 Dear Joshua: Forgive me for delaying so long in answering your inquiry regarding Ed Tatum's work in Kégl's laboratory. Unfortunately, I have little to add to what you no doubt already know, namely Kégl had become famous for his success in isolating several biologically potent natural products {auxins, biotin,muscarine) in pure form and then being able to carry out considerable chemical characterization work on quantities of the pure products which at that time were too small for most investigators to handle. That was mainly why I went there, and I would guess Ed did too. I did not have much direct interaction from K$gl himself but did learn quite a lot along the above lines from several people in his lab, eg. Hanni Erxleben, Arie Haagen-Smit, Pam vander Laan, and others. Probably Ed did likewise, but I do not know this definitely as my stay there did not overlap his, and I had practically no contact with him after he re- turned to the States. If you want to take the trouble, I think your best source of infor- mation would be someone of Kégl's students who was still in the lab while Ed was there. The only one of these with whom I have kept somewhat in contact is P. J. vander Laan who the last I knew (ca 10 years ago), I believd, director of research at the Federal Fermentation Corp. in Den Haag. This is a pretty long shot and quite possibly not worth the effort. Another person who might help is Dr. William Berends, Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Delft, Holland. Happy Holidays! Sincerely yours, Frank Strong FS/1jm