Memo from To: Dr Mary Bunting 3 JOSHUA LEDERBERG ' ... What..you_had to.say..about. your painful... i obligations to.your mother, I. was sorry to ty / : hear; and as will happen to. almost anyone \ ) Fay, 2 7? ' beyond a. certain age, it evokes similar oo! recollections. My wife remarked once how short is the interval. between being responsible to one's It would certainly be a pleasure to see_you again, - children and to one's parents.. (As usual, my or if that doesn't work out, at least to have a. : own life was backwards: my. father died almost 10 chat by phone. But if you're free one evening, +. ~=«s-years_ ago,.after a 14-year siege of invalidism; please let us know, so we can plan to have dinner = my mother last.year,.and blessedly more together, and you might meet my family if the... : swiftly.) You must come from long-lived stock! haul to Palo Alto isn't too tiresome. The best phone # to use is (415) 321-2764; or 497-5801 if no answer. Enough of “that -- I hope we really can get together in good cheer. You were very kind to say what you did in - - - your-letter; The image that you were reflecting, as: of -1946,-is no stranger to-me; and there were good reasons at~the very instant’ to be making a 3 realistic assessment of how I come across to other | people today, as I may~be entering a new role that. . would strain that facility tothe utmost.” — — owe" Yours, And thank you too for reminding me of Ben Feo: Do you recall exactly what. provoked him to replan (60 his personality? =. a -Your comments about’ Ed were useful and ~ reassuring, with respect to the tack I was taking. . We could discuss them further if we can get togethe | PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305