Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dan Pease — -<~ 29 1977 Beadle/ Tatum chronology Thank you for the suggestions; Berg did not take the course in question, but had a couple of other leads. Your observations about Beadle's absences are amusing. They may acount for why he did not "discover' Garrod, by his own account, until 1945 for Tatum lectured about alcaptonuria in the course in 1941 that Beadle mentions. (I have been lucky enough to locate Carlton Schwerdt as a student of the course, and HE STILL HAD HIS LECTURE NOTES!) Officially, Beadle had been at CalTech from 1931-1936, at Harvard 36-37, then Stanford 37-46. But he must have been finishing up his book with Sturtevant 37-39; there are no other publications that would account for a strong CalTech connection through that time. I am sure he spent a lot of time abroad lecturing and fundraising. Sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305