rt 6 '¢ 0 at MMIC. & NATZ, “SERVICE.” Pi NeW YORK, N.Y. nee ape ou Renewal extensions, amendinent, limitations, and vestxiclions This passport, properly visaed, is valid for travel in all countries unless OTHERWISE RESTRICTED. It is not valid for travel to or in any foreign state for the purpose of entering or serving in the armed forces of such a state. This passport is not valid for travel to the following areas under control of authorities with which the United States does not have diplomatic relations: Albania, Bulgaria, and those portions of China, Korea and Viet- ‘Nam under Communist control. THIS PASSPORT IS NOT VALID FOR TRAVEL IN HUNGARY. THIS ONG VALID FOR TR IN EGYPT, ISRAEL, JORDAN AND SYRIA. ~| nen eee # Vo bel Hap 8 SEE MON THs qte ee, "7 a