March 8, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Medical School Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Joshua and Esther: f hope ali has been well with you and that you have a pleasant journey to England next month. Alec Bernstein has been urging me to try and come as the Symposium looks good, but I cannot for lack of funds and time. It should be an interesting session, T have a problem, We have been making more mutants for macping pur- poses, etc., and at the moment have for these mutants some unwieldy numbers, Could it be possible to get a batch of Gal numbers assigned to us, to avoid the above p-oblem and also to avoid confusing the literature? Stock cultures are becoming a problem with us, as our reference by page numbers are now intruding into the lower W- numbers, The second problem has to do with information on W3142 and W2312, I believe these are deletion mutants, I have no record of obtaining rever- sions and recent experiments to obtain them, even employing UV have been unsuccessful. Reconstruction experiments on minimal Gal show that one is able to recover added Gal” to 100% recovery so that it is not likely to be a case of supression of the reversions by the Gal” background. These mut- ants you will recall are not transformed to Gai* by any HFT lysate. | I think that what this means is al although Gal* is dominant to Gal » Gal ig not dominant to a deficiency. I have some experiments (Gal /Gal ——vomemmeeet > HFT Gal*) in progress and will advise you of the results shot £5, we have had no success at obtaining HFT 3 or HFT 9 even employing W4654 as an indicator, I am suspicious of these mutants and perhaps the double mutant hypothesis (one mutation a lethal?) is really correct. We have several other HFT'S for our other mutants, I expect within a couple of weeks to be able to classify, at least partially, our mutants for the biochemical steps involved. Kinase-less mutants should not be hard to identify in the group. anon The mapping goes not too badly and a late estimate I enclose below. We have no cases of transductions of 4 -—=«x 3 yielding position effect heterogenotes, with approximately 300 transductions streaked out. This may be another exceptional case. Incidently, I talked with Benzer last week at Purdue and he now has nutants that resemble the 4, 7 interaction. Said he found them as scon as he looked for them, Weather was very bad the last two weeks here, but I was away and didn't mind it. Helvise and Margaret had to put up with the below zero weather. Today is back to normal, a beautiful, bright, clear, warm day, Best wishes, MLH 32 bm