THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS October 16, 1958 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Plonse Reply To Caniyies BUILDING Dr. M. L. Morse Webb Building U. Colo. Med. Center Denver 20, Colorado Dear Larry: Going over our stock of old reprints | found that we had nearly though not quite exhausted our supply of the first transduction paper. | just wonder if you find that you have an excess sufficient that you could spare from 20-50 copies to send us. If you can, and there is no hurry about this, would you send them directly to the Department of Genetics, Stanford University, marking them ''Hold''. This will save us the trouble of trans-shipping them from Madison to Stanford when we move in February. As to the second transduction paper, we have a substantial supply and let us know if you find yourself short on this one. I am very grateful to you for whatever help and encouragement you can give Ruth Korman. She is a sweet girl and has had a difficult time of it, especially trying to get to the point where she can complete her thesis work, and you have certainly given her a great boost already. | hope that you do find that you have enough time before too much longer to be able to tolerate a visit from her, so that she can discuss her problems with you at closer hand. With all best regards. AS ever,