SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 JOSHUA LEDERBERG February 14, 1978 JOSEPH D. GRaxtT PROFESSOR OF GENETICS Dr. George W. Beadle 5533 Dorchester Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60637 Dear Beets: It was very gratifying to have your kind and friendly words. Now it behooves me to be sure that I can get the full benefit of any advice you may have to offer from your own experience of moving from a laboratory to a university presidency. Of course, Rockefeller is not Chicago, but if you should at any time have any thoughts about what we should be doing and aren't or vice versa I hope you will not hesitate to pass them on. By coincidence I've seen a fair bit of Hannah Gray in the last several months; but I am sure you will already know her much better than I do. Sincerely, JL/gel