ake a } sTANPBRD OREGER EPH yoRR ab Sosy cE Reppigsion necessary for reproduction STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 (415) 321-1200 STANFORD Unrversiry ScHOOL OF MEDICINE April 24, 1970 Department of Genetics DRAFT LETTER FOR YOUR APPROVAL To: Editor of Science In 1966-67, we were members of a panel charged with drafting the text of a chapter "Biology and the Future of Man" for a project of the National Academy of Sciences. In February 1968, we received a copy of the draft for final comment. This chapter has now appeared in a volume of the same title, edited by Dr. Philip Handler (now President of the Academy), and published by Oxford University Press. In his preface, the editor pointed out that responsibility for the final text was shared among a great many indi- viduals. We were, however, identified as members of the panel that drafted this particular chapter. Insofar as a number of changes have been made in the text of which we had no knowledge before now, we wish to emphasize that we may or may not agree with every detail of the present version. It should also be pointed out that some of the questions discussed by us in 1966-67 have been the subject of important new research findings in the interval. Yours sincerely, Theodosius Dobzhansky Rene Dubos David Goddard Joshua Lederberg James V. Neel Frank W. Notestein Roger Revelle Curt Stern LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLECULAR RIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOMENTAL MEDICINE