ake ie } Library * American Philosophical Society * Permission necessary for reproduction STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 ยป (415) 321-1200 Sranrorp UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE April 24, 1970 Depariment of Genetics To: Members of Panel 20: Biology and the Future of Man Committee on Research in the Life Sciences The final edited version contains, as you may already have noted, a number of significant changes (see especially pp. 892 and 907 relating to DDT and oral contraceptives, respectively) compared to the text that we approved. I do not necessarily take strong exception to them, but personally do not wish to be associated with then, particularly as they may be used as polemical ammunition in a number of current controversies. But I do not wish to embarrass Phil Handler nor the Academy either. I believe that embarrassment is inevitable if we simply ignore the question until we are challenged strongly. For that reason, I urge you to subscribe to the attached letter. Curt Stern favors this procedure, but has not yet seen the text that I am sending out herewith. You may, of course, prefer to alter the text of the proposed letter. If you have sufficiently strong feelings, please effect them by circulating a pro~ posed revision to the entire group. The signatyres should, I feel, be pre- sented in alphabetical order. Please let me know soon. Sincerely yours, oshua Lederberg LT. J. P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL RETARDATION MOLBEULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE