nr Us a . , “) : / , AiR a ced 7 SS _Kextw — S Speet ok war 8 we hg a Le rgd 7 ene , ef af OP OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY tA preg Ut BRERATED BY ON CARBIDE CORPORATION ly NUCLEAR DIVISION PULP CARBIDE POST OFFICE BOX Xx OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 Office of the Director May 3, 19°72 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford Medical Center Stanford University 300 Pasteur Drive Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Josh: You will recall that over the past several years you and Stan Rogers of our Biology Division have corresponded regarding the possib of viruses in genetic engineering experiments. I am sure you are aware of the most recent experiments on three children in Germany who are suf- fering from genetically-induced elevated arginine levels in which Stan's Shope papilloma virus system has been used in attempted gene therapy. The latest information we have, although fragmentary, indicates some degree of success in reducing the arginine levels in the blood of the youngest of the affected children. A copy of the letter indicating q this is attached, Our problem is the following. We will no longer be able to support Rogers under any of our current contracts after about August 1972. He has been supported by an NCI contract in the Biology Division, but NCI does not wish to continue this support, nor can the AEC stretch its dollars to cover him. For some time Stan has had ambitious plans to create a large group devoted to genetic engineering. In all frank- ness, we do not share enthusiasm for his pian, primarily because both the administration and the senior scientists of the Biology Division question his ability to work with the people necessary to carry out such a project. We do, however, feel that it would be unwise to cut Rogers' funding at the time when he is probably further along in an attempt at genetic engineering than anyone else, and we would very much like to keep his current operation intact for a few more years. omy Srovay ae Dr. Joshua Lederberg -2- May 3, 1972 Could we discuss the possibility that you would work with us in achiev- ing some support for Rogers from NIGMS or another institute? Perhaps we ean talk about this at the Annual Reviews meeting next week, Sincerely yours, rey fpf AMW: pl Alvin M. Weinberg Attachment ee: H. I. Adler J. L. Liverman