OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION NUCLEAR DIVISION Ll CARBIDE POST OFFICE BOX Y OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE 37830 January 27, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford Medical Center Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Last week I went over to Cologne and talked with the people there including the parents and the kids. These people have 7 children, only 2 of which have full-blown argininemia. Two of the brothers and sisters have arginines that are somewhat high, like the parents, but no discernable difficulty. We have purified the virus and screened it for virus contamination using RKV from which it is clear. The parents have given their permission and after the kids are again worked up, they will probably use the virus. This will be on the order of 2 to 4 weeks I would guess. The younger child, about 2, I think we can help as she has some spasticity in one arm and one leg and seems only moderatly. retarded. Her sister who is now 5 or 6 has progressed in time and has marked spasticity and can not get around without a great deal of help. Her retardation seems more severe as I gather are the other complications of convulsions and problems of handling ammonia. In a nearby town, they have turned up some children with a similar general syndrome. It is not yet known whether they also lack arginase. I was quite impressed with the medical and chemical capabilities of the group. Lowenthal appears to be a very excellent neurologist. van Sande is a neurochemist. The people at Cologne are pediatricians and Colombo is a biochemist from Bern. It was most remarkable to me that discussions could be held with what superficially appears to be such a diverse group without a single misunderstanding or hitch. I will keep you informed on how things go. Sincerely yours , we fe, Rogers, M.D. Biology Division SR:imrl yas04 anguNHLs