MAR 3 9 1972 PROGRESS IN MEDICAL GENETICS PUBLISHERS: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 381 Park Avenue South, New York, N. Y. 10016 ARTHUR G, STEINBERG, Ph.D., Editor ALEXANDER G, BEarn, M.D., Editor Department of Biology Department of Medicine Case Western Reserve University The New York Hospital-Cornell Cleveland, Ohio 44106 Medical Center (216) 368-3700 525 East 68th Street New York, N, Y. 10021 23 March 1972 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Josh: Alec Bearn and I are now planning Volume X of Progress in Medical Genetics, a series which we have been editing for a number of years, We very much hope that you will agree to write a chapter for us on the future of human genetics, This is a field in which I know you have had considerable personal interest, and one to which you have most certainly made highly original contributions, We do not set an upper limit on the length of the chapters, because we believe the authors are best qualified to judge the amount of space they require to express their ideas, If you have read pre- vious volumes, you will recognize that we are primarily interested in critical reviews, rather than in merely a cataloguing of recent papers. Our deadline for Volume X is 15 January 1973. Ve would like to have three copies of the manuscript by then, Authors will, of course, receive a copy of the Volume, and may purchase at cost as many reprints of their chapters as they wish. It would give me enormous pleasure if I were able to persuade you to contribute a chapter. I look forward to hearing from you soon, Dr. Lederberg -2- 23 March 1972 and will hope for a favorable verdict. It goes without saying, of course, that should you wish to write the article in collaboration with one or more of your colleagues, we should be delighted to receive them as co-authors, With kindest best wishes, Iam Sincerely yours, Arthur G. Steinberg AGS:SN Dictated but not read due to absence