CARLSBERG LABORATORIUM PHYSIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 10, GL. CARLSBERGVES COPENHAGEN, VALBY 12. March 1958. DENMARK Profes.or Joshua Lederberg Dep..rtment of wedic:l Genetics University of Wisconsin wadison, wisconsin united st=tes of smerica Der rrofessor Lederberg: MP. ase u, Genesin,) wno recently wrote you concerning the possibility. Oming to work in your deosurtment, h«s requested me to send you a letter of recommend:tion. It is a pleasure for me to ao so, for wr. Ganesan not only possesses outstanding scientific ability but is -lso endowea with a fine chsracter and an attractive personality. He spent two yesrs in Bangalore «.t the Indi=n Institute of Science where he succeeded, under difficult conditions, in working out a very satisf-ctory methoa for staining yeast nuclei. Later he obtained a position with Dr. Swemi- n-thun at the Indian agricultural research Institute in New Delhi where he curried out work on embryo culture of jute as well as assisting in a lerge scale project on the cytogenetics of whest. weanwhile, on his own time, he continued his studies in ‘yeast cytology in order to perfect his stcining technigue. ‘Through the efforts of Professor Winge he obtained a Danish fellowship, nd he hss been working at the Carlsberg Laboratorium since September 1957. Here he h-s been chiefly occupied with cytologic2l investi- gations, in particulsr with a compsrstive study of heploid and Giploia cells of Sacch:=romycesy which is now being prepured for oublication. His cytological preparations. are of u high degree of excellence, and I h=ve never seen any which surpass them. Recently he commenced work on a probtem dealing with the genetics of melibiose fermentation «nd st present is pursuing it with his customary energy snd interest. since tine Indian government appears to be interested in having Mr. Ganesan obtain his doctorate unuaer your direction, and Sinee ne wus been sxssured of 3 position in Dr. Swami- n-than's aepurtment upon his return from .merica, I hope thst this plan can be realized. If, for my pxrt, can give him an unqualified recommendation. With best regsurds, Yours sincerely, Gtleme Kebety Catherine Roberts