CARLSBERG LABORATORIUM PHYSIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 10, GL. CARLSBERGVEJ Copenhagen, May lst , 1958. COPENHAGEN, VALBY DENMARK Dr. Joshua Lederberg The University of Wisconsin Department of Meiical Genetics school of Medicine Genetics Building Dear Dr. Lederberg, A few days ago I returned from a trip to the United States which, unfortunately, did not give-me any opportunity to visit Madison. At my return Dr. Ganesas showed me your letter to him (March 31st, 1958) andsseked me to write you a letter of recommendation. It seems to me from your letter that a recommendation is no longer necessary. On the other hand I am very willing to do So, Since Ganesan is really a very nice chap, quite knowledgable and tremendously energetic and enthusiastic and I feel convinced that you will like hin. According to my experience he is far above the usual run of Indian students. I also notice from your letter that you will be in Copenhagen TL HGR e, or, after the Microbiology Congress in Stockholm and/on is occasion I shall have an opportunity of meeting you. However, I must tell you that if you plan to come to Copenhagen before the Congress the chances of meeting anybody at home are very slight indeed. This is due to the shortness of children's school-vacations in Denmark, which vitually forces all Danish fathers to take their vacations during July and the first days of August. I would therefore strongly recommend to come after the Congress if possible. Witn kindest regards, yours sincerely, Aen doth Heinz Holter.