ARLSBERG LABORATORIUM,. WIVSTOLOGICAL DEPT.: TELF.? CENTR, LO34SA. COPENTWAGEN, VALBY,. 6th March 19 5 8 toda Ne DENSIARK. bear Dr. Lederberg, I presume you have received a letter from Ur.M.5 Swaminathan about me sometime back, ana yesterday I also received a letter from him asking me to contact you about my admission to your aepartment. By way of introduction, I can proviae you with 30me details which wili enable you to consider my case. After taking my B.Sc; B.sce(Honours) and u.a. Gegrees in Botany, I joined Dr.i. Kk, Subramaniam in the Indian Institute of science in Bangalore in 1953 and started working on cytogenetics of yeasts. I leit the department in 1955 and joinea br.Swaminatnan in Wwew velhi as his Research Assis- -tant and was in the staff of the Cytogenetics section there until Prof.jj.Winge sponsored me to come to Denmark through a banish fe- -llowship in september 1957. I have taken a leave from the Institute for three to four years at the end of which time I will again join Dr. Swaminatahan in Delhi. During my stay in Bangalore,besides undergoiming training in microbiological technigues, Il also carried out ea detailed experimental study of the 'sndopolyploidy concept'of Dr. Subramaniam. “he results obtained by me dia not, however confirm his views and { left him,ana published my own iaeas inaepencently after many disg- cussions with other people in the field.In Delhi, I have worked out a fairly good method for studying the different cytological details in yeasts with Dr. Swaminathan. vnen I came to Denmark to work with Prof. Vinge I startea a detailed study of sieiosis and ilanlo and Dinlophase in gac.cerevisiae, which I have completed now and the results are expected to be published in vVomptes xendus.Lab.Canlsberg. at present I am working on the uenetics of welibiose fermentation in some of the new yeast strains whicn we received from Lisbon recently. since my grant lasted only for six montns, (up to Heb.58) and I am in the middle of my problem, Prof.,)./inge and prof. iliuolter have been kind enougn to attempt to extent the grant for one more year (till Heb.59) through the xask-yrsted foundation of Denmark. If this is avproved, it will enable me to finish the present problems. Although 1 have always been interestea in wicpobial genetics, I aid not have a gbod oppurtunity to acquaint myself with the field until I. came to the Carlsberg Laboratorium. I must say that I am fairly acquainted wek&k with all the interesting publications from your school,and uuring my stay with Dr, Swaminathan, I have heard much about you and the Genetic investigations at wisconsin. I would appreciate the oppurtunity to work under your guidance for my wvoctorate degree, especially after the background {f have gained here with prof.#inge and Dr.Uatherine Roberts. I shall be very glad to furnish any other details you want in this connection about me ana my work. IT am also enclosing a list of my publications herewith. vhanking you, Yours. sincerely, AU ELE (a. .Ganesan) atg/