!! spellx done 155 The Phone Revolution The Washington Post June 14, 1969 "The old idea of the phone is dead... see that black instrument on his desk? He thinks that's a telephone. But it's much more. It's an input device to the largest information network in the world". These advertising lines announce the Bell System's part in the communications revolution -- moving data for computers over the system originally developed for voice messages. The phone system has many intricate parts, linked in the most complex of our technological nets. We see the handset, which is at once a network signalling device (the dial mechanism) and a microphone and speaker; terminal distribution lines lead to the central stations, which contain electronic switchwork to connect the calls and handle the accounting; finally there are the long lines or their equivalent in microwave relays, which now include the communications satellites. As the main custodian of the switching systems, Bell has been accustomed to the responsibility of managing the entire line of service. This also excluded competitors who offered more ingenious or merely cheaper kinds of handsets, message-takers, or computer interfaces. But communication links from home or office are becoming the real bottleneck to universal access to computers. The economics of a "computer utility" suggest that the cost of the computer itself will be insignificant compared to the connecting console (like an electronic typewriter or display screen), the user's memory file at the computer and the communication links: the living phone. How such facilities are expanded and controlled is one of the most important issues for the future. The issue finally erupted last year in the Carterfone case, in which Bell was sued for illegally squelching direct attachment of a radio retransmission invention to a standard telephone. The official tariffs had excluded all "foreign attachments", but the Federal Communications Commission finally reversed this except where spurious signals might affect the electronic switching. The new tariffs, now provisionally approved, allow direct connection of such attachments, provided the messages are fed through a simple company device to protect its lines. The firm insisted, however, that only its own dialing unit be used. This provision drew a strong dissent from FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson, who demanded that consumers' interests be represented by a formal hearing on the tariffs. Potential competitors and the Department of Defense (representing government users generally) have also complained at being barred from replacing mechanical dialing by computer-generated signals. The complainants also seek the right to feed their own local switchboards directly into the lines. Direct entry of user data into phone lines is also generating new demands for standardizing their quality. The company has never precisely defined the service it sells, except as the right to connect with "voice grade" lines. Many long distance lines are barely intelligible at times. This is not quite good enough for computer connections, where hours of work could be faulted by a fraction of a second of unexpected noise. A good voice line, in theory, should be able to transmit about 300 characters a second accurately. Actual equipment is beginning to press these standards. The most exciting prospects for ordinary users from computer connections might be a selective answering service, which could free thousands of secretaries for more meaningful work and bring to the home telephone a joyful silence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------