THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY JANIO 1984 1230 YORK AVENUE * NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10021-6399 Xp, 4 LE CF THe pREsWO>* E. Friedheim January 9, 1983 Dr. Joshua. Lederberg, President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Joshua, I thought .you might like to take a glance at a report I am sending to WHO on the work I did under a grant of theirs in the second semester of 1983. Other activities during that period concern onchocerciasis, in particular evaluation of compounds in spontaneous onchocerciasis in cattle in Australia. Evaluation of compounds has been set up in trypanosom- iasis of camels in West Africa and the Niger Republic. a Yours sincetely, EAHF/sla