CS 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University < 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 ° cs vy, om June 27, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Mr. John E. Swearingen Chairman Standard Oil Company (Indiana) 200 East Randolph Drive Chicago, Illinois 60601 Dear Mr. Swearingen: I was very glad to have a chance to chat with you at lunch the other day since there really are a sur- prising number of points of common interest. I will be disappointed if we do not find an opportunity when it might be convenient for us to get together with a couple of your colleagues and talk about how we can provide a firmer foundation for the global-economy-driving impli- cations of comparative toxicology. This note, however, is to introduce still a dif- ferent subject, which is embodied in a letter that Gordon MacDonald and a few others of us have sent on to The White House. It concerns Tommy Gold's proposition that the Planet Earth is not yet fully outgassed, and that this in- sight may have an important bearing,on further development of energy resources. This is an issue I have had a small opportunity to think about during the last 20 years (ad- mittedly mostly from the point of view of where and how to look for life on other planets). Whatever the outcome of this proposition it is already a surprising reminder of how surprisingly interconnected are many practical and theoretical issues. Anyhow, I thought you might wish to have an opportunity to see this even before it becomes more widely available as I suspect it may through the public media. Yours sincerel nd oshua Lederberg Encl .~ (71% er, ee OE bth bee:DO routing fre 7. oe