STein bach, H.G, mW Y The X. 5(Rockefeller&, THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 7 University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 100214 “) a March 9, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. H. B. Steinbach Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 Dear Burr: Cleaning out the rest of last year's mail I just realized I had never acknowledged your very nice note of December 4th. I had lost track of where you were and was interested to know where I could now find you. I will be very disappointed if I do not have an occasion to visit Woods Hole sometime during the spring and if so I hope I can take the occasion to look you up. Yes, this is a fun place; and although moving my family and myself back across the country had its trying moments, I am quite unabashed to report that I am enjoy- ing the situation very much. Being at an institution which is, on the one hand relatively uncomplicated, and on the other has a substantial scope and mission, offers a positive contrast to the complexities of the universi- ties where I have spent most of my academic life. a I certainly recall with great pleasure my first en- counters with zoology on Morningside Heights and will continue to be grateful to you for the sympathetic in- terest that you offered beyond the call of duty. Yours sincerely, soStua Lederberg