aVZeR, T,ยข1, wehl4, The EFELLER UNIVERSITY 6{ Rockefeller\m THE ROCK m University JZ 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 O 2B v \ March 9, 1979 Cie JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. I. M. Singer Department of Mathematics University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, California 94720 Dear Dr. Singer: It is with great regret that I learned that the Regents of the State of New York were not able to accept our application for the Einstein Chair, which we had hoped you might hold jointly between the Rocke- feller and New York University. I have assumed that Dr. Kac has kept you well informed about the proceed- ings; but I do not want the occasion to pass without also expressing my own enthusiasm for the concept, and my regret that it could not materialize under present circumstances. Our faculty colleagues likewise en- dorsed this nomination with the greatest enthusiasm. The present initiative is then, alas, terminated; although one can hardly quarrel with the judgement of the Regents in having named Dr. Levitch to the post at CUNY. The basic concept of a consortial sponsorship re- tains its validity in principle: although I do not know just where to go with it at the moment, we will certainly be keeping our ears open for whatever other possibilities might emerge. Yours sincerely, DA Joshua Lederberg cc: Dr. Mark Kac bee: Dr. William 0. Baker Mr. Rodney W. Nichols Footnote to Dr. Kac and Mr. Nichols Would there be any merit in our getting together with the people from Courant to see if Columbia is willing and interested to join with us in a tri-insti- tutional combination. With a three way split we might still manage the financial burdens even without the state funding.