SHAR FMI AN, gv pUMay, 2 The \o THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY o| Rockefeller \rn a University /F 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 > ao November 3, 1978 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Peter Sharfman Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear Dr. Sharfman: My files are still far from being in perfect order following their transfer from Stanford Univer- sity but I did take a quick look for a couple of items that might be of interest in connection with our con- versation concerning the OTA study on Effects of Nu- clear War. ° The NRC Bulletin refers to just one of a number of studies of the 1964 earthquake and I believe that at least one of them had a good bit to say on issues of social behavior. I also notice that there is a reasonably new journal called "Mass Emergencies" and I would suspect that among its editors and authors you might find some potential contributors that would be*easy to overlook otherwise. Finally, I think it would be to some profit to do a citation index, especially in the social science ci- tation index, on Ikle's book, to locate contemporary workers on similar themes. If anything else comes to mind, you will hear from me. Yours sincerely, shua Lederberg