Moov e yp Ss Maa o , 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY . University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 Oy Ke S* September 22, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Professor Stanford Moore The Rockefeller University Dear Stan: As we had a brief opportunity to discuss before, the development of defensive measures (prophylaxis and anti- dotes) for organo phosphate cholinesterase inhibitors has become a matter of high priority for national security. The appropriate offices recognize that this is a very dif- ficult task, which will require far more fundamental knowl- edge about the biology of cholinergic transmission than is now available. I thought it would take longer than it has; but I'm now informed that the Army Research Office already has substantial funds which can (and indeed must) be allo- cated on fairly short notice to deal with some of these very fundamental issues. In particular the detailed struc- ture of acetylcholinesterase is a matter of high priority; and I am sure that they would be very receptive indeed to funding a research proposal from you if you would be inter- ested in assuming such a responsibility. s If you have any interest I would be glad to discuss it with you further; alternatively you can call Dr. Shirley Tove as indicated in the enclosure: I had a brief opportunity to discuss the background of this already. Time is, however, of the essence. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl.