Ai Dé, D, é, petay, o . 5[Rockefellen& THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 7 University /Z 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 ds a March 6, 1980 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. David R. Lide, Jr. Chairman CIS Steering Committee United States Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Washington, D. C. 20234 Dear Dr. Lide: This is to respond to your letter of February 29th inviting me to serve on the Scientific Advisory Board for CIS. I am happy to accept this invitation, recognizing many estimable colleagues on the proposed membership of the Board, and hope that we can find times to meet that don't pose impossible schedule conflicts. I was pleased at your suggestion that much of the business of the Board be conducted by telephone and mail but would hope that you could find means to extend this further to “eugraphy: If no other way could be found I suspect we could make interim arrangements via Sumex at Stanford to hold the mail boxes, especially since CIS is so closely akin to other major researth projects supported at the Sumex facility. Yous sincere yr" Lederberg / Encl. arf Febe ye, S994