Ki hsow, pp, THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 May 3, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Ms. Marion Kilson Director The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College 3 James Street Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Dear Ms. Kilson: Thank you for your letter of April 30th. You may recall that we had some correspondence and telephone conversation about the structure and purposes of the Institute when I called you from Stanford last year. While we have our quota of problems of academic career adjustments for able women here, the Rockefeller University is in fact primarily a medical research in- stitute. The presumption that Bunting Institute Fellows would be spending part-time "teaching at her own insti- tution" and remaining time on "research at the {Bunting} institute" does not then readily match our model. Con- versely, it is conceivable that there might be places for part-time laboratory research opportunities here, for women holding teaching appointments elsewhere in the New York metropolitan area. Unless I hear otherwise, however, I would assume that providing funds to assist in arrangements of that kind was not regarded as your own responsibility. Howbeit, I would continue to welcome your own in- sight in ways that an institution like ours can help to meet the special requirements of women in academic life. I will also keep in mind your research associate program "to study women in modern society" although again no specific candidate leaps to mind. Ms. Marion Kilson May 3, 1979 -2- Shortly I will send you some material that may succinctly describe our particular institution and I would certainly welcome remaining on your own mailing list. Besides the more important motif of the functional role of your institute, I could add that one of my own points of interest is that I was a next door laboratory partner to Mary Bunting almost 35 years ago when we both worked with the late Professor Edward L. Tatum at Yale University. Yours sincerely, oshua Lederberg Encl. - Ont ZZ Opyerrdos