KArKLAW, +4. /4, peta, © . 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 7 University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 > a April 13, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Martin M. Kaplan Director-General Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs 11A Avenue de la Paix 1202 Geneva, Switzerland Dear Martin: I just wanted to note that I had a chance to dine recently with Robert McNamara, the Director of the World Bank. I brought up with him a question that you and I have discussed: namely whether Pugwash continues to be an important vehicle for informal discussion among great power interests, particularly in the light of the greatly enlarged channels of communication represented by SALT. His reply, which you may recognize as being somewhat different from my own appreciation, was "More than ever". I may be putting words in his mouth but I think that he feels that, whilst SALT has greatly en- larged the channel, the variety of opportunities and issues that divide the world have also increased very considerably, so that there indeed do remain enormous opportunities. I mentioned the possibility of his meeting you and he seemed very positive about that. I think you would get a very positive response if you were to drop a line to him in his Washington office to set up a conversation either in Washington or in Geneva. I don't believe he has a definite agenda but it seemed self evident that there was a good deal to be gained by better mutual knowledge be- tween two individuals in your respective positions. For my own part I guess I have rediscovered an agenda item for a Pugwash (mainly bilateral) level discussion: namely whether there is not some basis by which to reach a mutual abolition of all land-based strategic missiles. This idea, which is closely akin to the missile test ban Dr. Martin M. Kaplan April 13, 1979 -~2- that I have been nudging for quite a few years, is undoubtedly caught in a vicious cycle of negative expectations, of each side with respect to the other, which makes it a very appropriate subject for a Pug- wash level discussion. It might be better not to make public a fuss about this option until after the SALT II is completed and ratified; but the idea is in the public domain and you certainly ought to make what of it you can. (I am not trying to promote my taking a personal active role on this particular subject at Pugwash; and just don't know whether that would or would not be possible, from a personal standpoint, in their future). I hope Lena has not fretted too much in her cast and that she is recovering smoothly. Yours_sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Encl. SAM 220