Gomayos, AI lMay, GX, the No | Rockefeller\is THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY f\ University /< © 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 “DILL? Sere TOSHUA LEDERBERG 9 January 1979 PRESIDENT Dr. Peter J. Gomatos, M.D., Ph.D. Chief, Animal Virology Laboratory Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research 1275 York Avenue New York City 10021 Dear Dr. Gomatos: I understand from Professor Darnell that you have indicated your willingness to assist us at The Rockefeller University by serving on the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) that will. implement NIH's new guidelines for Recombinant DNA Research. My colleagues and I are especially grateful for your spirit of cooperation in accepting this task. As I say in the enclosed formal memorandum to the entire IBC, this subject is important in many ways and thus I would be delighted to assist your work whenever that may be appropriate. Once again, thanks in advance for your help and good wishes for the New Year. Sincerely, oshua Lederberg cc: Robert Good, M.D. Lewis Thomas, M.D. bec; Professor Jesaitis