FRAN CES8e FING, E , peMaa o . 5[ Rockefeller THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY a University /< 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 } ao January 22, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Dr. Edward Franceschini New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences 251 Mercer Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Dr. Franceschini: I hope that you might remember that I talked to you some three months ago about requesting privilege of local access to ARPANET via your ELF system. I am sorry that this formal letter of request has been so long delayed. I was laid up in the hospital for awhile with a shoulder injury and there have been some other delays in getting my terminal hardware in- stalled in my office properly. At any rate, I hope that it is still timely to submit my application and to give you the information that you requested. My intended use of the ARPANET is in connection with my work as co-investigator (with Dr. E. A. Feigen- baum) on the "Heuristic Programing Project at Stanford University supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, (ARPA Order 2494, Contract No. MDA 903-77-C-0322). Although I.left Stanford in September to take my present position here, I remain a consulting professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stan- ford primarily in order to sustain the collaboration with the heuristic programing project. My use of the ARPANET will be primarily for the exchange of messages from my terminal here to the SUMEX and SU-AI NODES at Stanford. I anticipate that the traffic will be between five and ten hours per month. Dr. Edward Franceschini January 22, 1979 -2- If further authentication of these connections is required they can be readily obtained from Dr. Robert E. Kahn at ARPA or from Dr. Robert Engelmore who is at the point of leaving Stanford to direct AI-oriented research at ARPA. I hope that this meets your needs for information and that you can tell me the protocol for getting on to ARPANET. I am well acquainted with how to use the net to communicate with other NODES. I am also looking forward to a number of still more important ways to open up collaborative interests between the Courant Institute and The Rockefeller Univer- sity. The two institutions are already undertaking a Major joint professorial appointment in mathematics; but I am sure that there are many other opportunities that would be facilitated by getting to know one another better at the working level. Yours sincerely, oshua Lederberg