bon Nv, KF, iM, 2 The ‘0 THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY of Rockefeller \im a University /S 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10021 O Sx a June 28, 1979 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT The Honorable Richard A. Brown Counsel to the Governor Executive Chambers State Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Mr. Brown: I understand that Governor Carey is considering the wisdom of S5200A, concerning the regulation of standardized admissions tests. Let me say at the outset that I am not speaking from concern about the immediate impact of this Bill on my own (graduate) institution, which would be marginal. However, I would urge that the Governor veto the Bill as I be- lieve it to be poor educational and social policy, hastily drafted and enacted, and hardly given the debate and consideration that it deserves. Surely any step that would enlarge the bureaucratic compli- cation of our educational systems should be withheld, unless there is a compelling and clear showing of benefit to match fhe onerous administrative burdens and inevitable unexpected side effects of the pro- posed regulation. Besides these problems of imple- mentation, I would urge the State to consider very carefully the dangers to pluralistic education that attend every creeping encroachment by State regulatory authority, even when well intended. If there are serious problems with testing pro- cedures they should be by all means investigated and aired: there is no logic in undertaking new police action until such a showing has been made. Xours ated t } / een ann boo. dper Jel