GAH, RK, THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE - NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10021 THE PRESIDENT June 28, 1978 Dr. Anita K. Bahn Graduate Group in Epidemiology University of Pennsylvania 36th and Hamilton Walk/GA Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 Dear Dr. Bahn: I was very pleased to have the chance to meet you at the science week. This is to follow-up our conver- sation and your offer to send me more information about your graduate training program. From the leaflet I was not able to get a clear picture of the curriculum that you have laid out for your students. I would also be curious to know who you have collaborating with you from the faculty of other departments and especially what sort of liaison has been possible with experimen- tally gr oriented activities. I could certainly get some clues at your orientation if you could send me ab- stracts or titles of some of the dissertations coming through your program. Isn't it rather unusual to have such a large faculty in epidemiology, and particularly in a» school of medicine? Of course, I am not sure that I really know the signifi- cance of the clinical and adjunct titles-but I wonder if you could tell me a little bit about the historical back- ground of this activity at the University of Pennsylvania. If you know of other schools that have strong programs that could be examples for thinking about the organization of research and graduate training in this field, I would be grateful for the hint. . ‘ Finally, if you have a list of publications from your department I would appreciate the favor of a copy. Yours mee Lroshua Lederberg