‘Srintei ons | Bucuresti, January 7-th 196 9 in ela APG Redactia: Piafa Scinteii 1 QRGAN AL COMITETULUI CENTAAL AL #.C.R, Telefon: 17.60.10 To Prof.dr.Joshua Lederberg Stanford Medical Center PALO ALTO California 94304 U. So A. Dear Sig Thanking for the kindness you answered to the interna- tional enquiry organised by the newspaper "Scanteia" with the occasion of the New Year, we send you a copy of the issue in which your article was published, with some abreviations inherent in such special occasions, and inform you that in the same time we have sent on your adress the sum of 75 US dollars. We hope to enjoy for the future also your valuable contribution. Prof.George Cuibus, Btn,