No SIACE Mpril 2, 1951. Mr. H. J. Morowits, Blophysias Division, Sloane Physics Laby., Yele U,— Rew Haven, Gonn/ Dear Mr. Morowt te: I have your letter of the 30th concerning openings hare for a postdoctoral fellowship. As you say, it is very late in the year for such arrangements, end I regret the necessity of informing you that our limited facilities have already been fully committed. A vacancy might conceivably develop by defsult, butbthere would be no information on this t111 this sunner. The Public Health Service post-doetoral fellowships for this year, as you probably know, can still be applied for, but most pf the deadlines for other sources have besn passed. Mey I suggest that you write to Dr. A. Moviek, Institute of Radio~ biclogy and Biophysics, University of Chieago, concerning the voasi- bility of working on your fellowship there? They have just oceupled a large new bailding end should be in a very favorable position with respect to space. In addition, the interests of hie group coincide reasonably closely with your own, end in ay own oninion, the quality of their work 19 excellent. The possibility of a later association here would not be preemted. I should be interested to receive reprinte of your pending publi- cations. Please give ay best to Dr. Pollard and Dr. Burkholder. Yours sincerely, ‘Joshua Lederberg, Ageooiate Professor of Genetics