January &, 1960 Dr. Joe Lein Bristo] Laboratories Syracuse 1, N.Y, Dear Joe: We had a perfectly splendid time In Mexico, whence we have just returned to find your letter of the 4th. We were the guests down there of the Djerassi's. Carl remembers you from the time you were at Ciba together, and he was interested to hear of your present activities. At present he Is Vice-President for Research at Sygtex, $.A.; this coming fall he Is joining Stanford as a Professor of Chemistry. { assume he will continue to commute to Mexico, muchas he has been doing here for the pest several months, since he transferred his students from Wayne.He Is certainly one of the most dynamic and scientifically accomplé@shed men | have ever met, and we wi)l Se fortunate to have him here. It happens we have the same architect and we spend a good deal of time comparing notes on our houses. Joe, | was very much gratified at your letter, not that | had any doubt how you would respond. I hope that after Bristel has digested its present accomplishments It will support you In more adventuresaome pro- grams, and certainly Japan Is a good pjace for it. The best of luck to you on this. (By the way, if you do have some chance to come down to Palo Alto before the summer, ! would like you to have a chance to meet one of my students, Yukinori Hirota. He is returning to Osaka thls summer-- and is one of the most capable fellows we have xuma had in the laboratory. He 1s very sound In microbial genetics, and there might be some mutual profit In your belng in contact In Japan. He will be working with H. Kikkawa, In the Department of Genetics, at the Medical Faculty of Gsaka University-- and Kikkawa Is certainly a man you should know of If you have in mind any pxpgxax with university connections. Hirota should not be distracted from pursuing a basic research program, but there may stil} be some angles of mutual interest. As you know, quite small amounts of money can matter a great deal in Japanese science.) | am leaving Sunday for Nice, but will be back long before you are. Esther and ! would be delighted to meet you In San Francisco on Febr. 2. Have you thought of staying at the Hilton Inn, which is near alroort, end on that account much more convenient for early departures? | suppose you will be coming In on PAA's Jet flight Monday evening, and we will check at the Mark Hopkins, and also the HIlton, for your arrival before we come up to the City to meet you. By the way, our phone numbers are home: OA-2-0686 and lab (priv line) DA-1-2764. “INTERIST' stands for international Institute for Medical Research, fs t understand it this ts supported by a peel of companies, in Europe and in the U.S., Schering (N.J.) representing the latter. Whether there would be some device whereby another company could be taken into the pool, without running Into Sherman act complications, | have no idea <-- probably you would have to discuss this with Schering. However, if 1 see any likely prospects for Bristol work in Italy, whether in connection with the cror gram at Pavia or not, ! will bring them to your attention. (fs 1 stressed in my last letter, my only connectfons in this matter are with the Genetics Department at Pavia, as such, so that | am not in any sense working for Schering. ) Having seen a little of what Syntex is doing for chemical reseerch in Mexico, | can begin to appre ciate how useful an industrial laboratory with an enlightened point of view for scientific development knxka in relatively undeveloped countries.(8y the way, Syntex' report claims an expenditure of over 15% of their gqnmemMQWXHKBEXXXXIMEAME Xxgarsx gross income on research -- this must be something of a record, end | think an enviable one.) Please give our best to Amel, and to Pat and yourself for the new year, As ever, Joshua Lederberg