PISCOL! tasoratories inc SYRACUSE 1,NEW YORK January h, 1960 Dr. Joshua Lederberg 715 Partridge Avenue Menlo Park, California Dear Joshua: It has bothered me a great deal that we have not been in a better position to do justice to your ideas, screwball or otherwise. I think you sense the reason. At this stage of Bristol's development, we have to grab the ball in a few limited fields and run like hell heping to outmaneuver some of the big outfits. On the basis of our various conversations, I am sure you realize that we also have a great interest in break-throughs based on new techniques, new approaches and new ideas. There is no question but that we have not been effective in the latter area and this is something about which I am personally very much concerned. About the only way I can see our getting into these areas is through organizing a sizeable facility in Japan. Our management here agrees and initial conversations are underway that may lead to a substantial research establishment there. Cavalli's proposal sounds most interesting and of course we can offer no objection especially in view of your rather special relationship. Being in a university atmosphere and free from immediate commercial pressures, the over- all organizational structure at Pavia is admirably*suited for this type of work. Add to this the able people there and I am sure interesting things will happen. Everything considered, however, I think it would be best if we did not attempt to carve out "areas of interest" between the two groupse We will not be in a position to work on "substitutional chemotherapy" for a period of time and accordingly you have our approval to discuss this with then. There is one aspect you might wish to take up with Cavalli. I do net know anything about the organization “Interist" and it is probably completely dominated by Schering. In the event that it is not, we may be interested in giving it some support should there be some advantage to us in doing so. We are, as I indicated, interested in new approaches to significant pharmaceutical developments and, being catholic in tastes, would not be averse to gambling on an Italian group as well as a Japanese. We have sincerely enjoyed our association with you, Josh. No matter what the outcome, I will look forward to a continuing friendship albeit on a more informal basis. We will figure on a two year “leave of absence" as you suggested. Perhaps at that time we will be in a better position to take Dr. Lederberg 2 1/4/60 advantage of you and pick your brains more effectively should the opportunity present itself, I am leaving for Japan January 16 and am returning early in February. I will be in San Francisco at the Mark Hopkins on February 2 and would very much like you and Esther to be my guests for dinner on the 2nd in one of San Francisco's justifyably well-know restaurants. Could you drop me a line at the Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, letting me know if you can make it? Can you and Esther meet me at the hotel? It would make things a bit simpler. Best wishes to you and Esther for a happy and successful new year. Sincerely, BRISTOL LABORATORIES INC. Joséph Lein, Director Microbiological Research JLtac