ISCO! casoratories inc SYRACUSE 1,NEW YORK September 29, 1959 ATR MATL Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua: There are a number of things coming up in the immediate future so I think I had better be around here for a while. We are having an official opening of our new research addition October 26, and will be giving a series of papers on our new "synthetic" penicillin at the Antibiotic Symposium in Washington the early part of November. There will be a short scientific program commemorating the dedication on October 26 with Sheehan, Chain, and Keefer giving formal presentations. Governor Nelson Rockefeller and various local politicians will be here later in the afternoon to help with the festivities. You are, of course, most welcome to attend but with your building also being dedicated in the near future, we will understand if you cannot make it. Incidentally, if you find you can make it, we will, of course, be happy to pay expenses connected with your trip. We have not considered the iodo-penicillins as radiopaque contrast agents. Since we have no background in this area, evaluation may be a job. However, I am passing on your suggestion to our Pharmacology group. We are interested in obtaining a lysogenic strain of E. coli (R-12) which is streptomycin dependent. Do you have one or do you know who has? Thanks for your information on Piraino. We will still consider him because of the type of position. Best regards. Sincerely yours, FSTOL LABORATORIES INC.