PISCOl tasoratories inc SYRACUSE 1,NEW YORK August 25, 1959 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Joshua: As you may have guessed, we have had a very busy summer making and evaluating our new penicillin. We hope to hit the market with our first one this fall. We have checked out a number of penicillins with iodine in an aromatic ring of the side chain. The over-all activity as judged by minimum inhibitory concentration and ability to cure in vivo infections has been quite low. Also our British confreres have made a number with amino acid as the side chain. Nothing very interesting here from the point of view of new properties. There is a bit more Gran- negative activity as one would suspect from what we know of cephalosporin N (synnemetin B). We have had an application from a fellow who had some contact with you at Wisconsin, Frank Piraino. What is your opinion of him? We are looking for someone who is quite strong and can hold his own as a researcher. Well, back to the penicillins. As ever. Sincerely yours, BRISTOL LABORATORIES IC. ~y seph Lein, Director Microbiolo;ical Research JLe:ac