MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Joe Lein RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA Rips <2 3 959 Bear Joe-- Does Bristol have a product In this fleld-- 1 mean rediocontrast agents? (Or maybe later densi ty-fractionation solutes). # By coindidence, the latest Ann NYAS Is on this subject. ‘Thanks for the reprints. Harry Rubin told me of his visit. He's an lh & > ffe er (a tetralodo-benzay! or-phthaloyi penicillin able fellow. might not be altogether preposterous: take ad- vantage of the low toxicity and rapid excretion of the penicl ilins) | _ Have any penicillins been made where R- is an amino actd? cc: AACE Teoftyen |