June 8, 1959 London Dear Joe: _ Esther and I are now on the last leg of our trip and should be home just about the time you cet this. All the best luck to you in your new laboratories] The symposia we've attended have been quite instructive, especially the one at Royawnont on cellular inmmity of which I am enclosing the gbstr,cts. It is hard to escape the feeling, which I know you already share, that immunology is in for a new era of importance in medicine, and with this a new challenge to the phamaceeatical industry. I would urge you to be especially attentive to this field to be ready to exploit its developments at the earliest moment. The most important step, not yet quite achieved, « be the artificial cultivation of Munctionally active *immunocytes’-- cells of the lymphoid system involved in antibody production. The linea of development I can foresee include: 1. Agents which interfere with the primary immme response, as well as with its terminal effects. We have already discussed sereening for such agents from microbial broths; there would also be the further possibility of ‘substitutional chenothersapeutic' methods. To the systens for screening for the terminal effects we have also alreaity discussed, I might add now the inhibition of antibody extotoxicity (ef. Gorer) on leukemia cells,. which may or may not be equivalent to compiement fixation a:d imnune lysis of RDC. Milescher's system of the inhibition of clot retraction through the effect of Ag-Ab complexes on platelets may also be quite promising as an in vitro method. &. Production of specific antibodies through in vitro culture of clones of (hunan?) immunocytes. This stiil needs somé important advances in technique. 5. A revival of serotherapy in which the gntibody-specific frag- ment of antibody is isolated to avoid the gatigeniol ty of the globulin carrier. This is based on the work of Porter and others (Nature 1958-— full reference in my article on genes and antibodies) on the aplitting by papain of rabbit AX Ab globulins into a common antigenic fragment aud a differential fragment, not antigenic, having the specific combining ability of the Ab. It is not yet know whether the Abefragnent has any protective value in infection: if it does it may be the basie of a revival of serum therapy, and I strongly recomend you look into this. As a temporary expedient, someone ought to inquire whether serum sickness, brought about by sensitization to, say, rabbit antibody globulin, could be mitigated by the injection of ti- globulin antibodies from other species. A human anti-rabbitglobulin serum might be the ideal reagent, but expensive, The argument would be that an excess of circulating antibody should facilitate the clearance of the offending antigen, the persistence of which is a troublesome feature in serum sickness. I haven't taxa had the chance to review any literature in this; field. Y vA ——_— (AS ever Joshua Lederberg P.S. I Left out one of the most exciting prospects — See Lawrence's abstract (and a symposium he edited, 1959, Hypersensitive States, Hoeber—Harper publ.) You might market the antibody~ producing microsomes to transplant direct to recipients, as a substitute for potentially dangerous vaccines,