WRANSCRIPED FROM RLGORD RECEIVED FROM DR. LeDERigeG 7/7/50 July 2, lox Madison, «isco sin Dr. Josep: Lein Bristol La:oratories Inc. Syracuse 1, New York Dear Joet I am enclosing a small popular article on Low Lai. which was puirlished in tne Dow Company house organ just now. You provably know the story, anc the only reason I am sending it to you is its reference te the cooperative arran,e ents that the U. S. Fisheries and Wild Life Service seenus to lave set up already with respect to the screenin, of chemicals for fish control. Tunis is a sul ject we have discussed before, and, at the time, it did not see. a profitaLle venture for Bristol LaLoratories. However, if there is a screenin, pro, ran in bel: ., this might open up other opportunities wisich will be oi-vious to you. Altiiouch the synthetic tri-chloral nitrophenol would seem to Le a sutisractur; a.ent for the control of lampreys, and it is doubtful that aiy antibiotic could compete with it, there are many other ecolo: ical probleme of this , encral sort which would warrant some screenin; tests. The ones that came to mind immediately are the control of ruff fish, carp in many lakes where they can be quite a peet, and in somewhat related fashion tne control of al. ae wirich are nuisances in many lakes that would otherwise be very satisfactory for recreational purposes, Although it is quite understandatle that these might be inappropriate for agents for screening programs at bristol Latoratorics, the chance of having the compounds that you have already developec an found unsuitable in other respects to determine their applicability in this ticld might be worth considering, Ksther and I will be leaving in about 3 weeks for a‘month's trip to Europe which tiis time will include a vacation, tooe I am enclosin; an itinerary, or rather just let me tell you that our main destination will be Stock:olm for the International Conpress of Microbiolozy. We will Le away a,-proxi ately between July 25 and September 10. If there is anything at the Conyress you would like me to be on a special lookout for, please let me know. As ever, Youre sincerely, Josiua JLtac