yi January 20, 1958 Dr. ‘Amel Menottd Bristol Laboratories Syracuse, N.Y. Dear Amel: I imagine that Joa's in Japan now, so I'm sending this note straight on to you. Do you remember my querying the use of ascorbic acid in a 'life-saver'? Well, as you gen see from the enclosure it's been done, as I first noticed yesterday in my local drug~store. Nothing said about ascorbate as a bactericide (assuning 1t is effectively one), and in any case, if the idea's a good one, it's not likely to be patent-protected, Anyhow, I don't like this particular brand— not tart enough. I've been trying to think whether I've run into these before, but I imagine they're a recently introdgced product. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg N\A 4 py Fe ree